Tooth Removal
What determines tooth removal services?
Our Sacramento, CA dentist, Dr. Khan can best determine if your tooth needs to be extracted or if it can be saved. A tooth that is broken but not badly decayed may be fixed with a crown, onlay or some other procedure before removal is recommended. We at Smiles Dental Studio feel it is best to go with the conservative approach to help you keep more of your natural teeth. We do our best to save a permanent tooth and keep it healthy for as long as possible. Tooth Removal is only done when a tooth is too far gone for other dental treatments to work.
Why do I need tooth removal?
In addition to tooth decay, there are other reasons why we may recommend a Tooth Removal. A patient with over-crowded teeth may benefit from an extraction, and patients who will be receiving braces often have teeth extracted to make room for the necessary movement to occur. Dr. Khan may need to extract a tooth that prevents other teeth from growing in properly. Moreover, a tooth that causes major health issues, most notably an impacted wisdom tooth, will also need to be removed. Dr. Khan is well-trained to diagnose any dental situation and will recommend the best treatment solution for your dental concerns.
A Tooth Removal may be simple or surgical.
A simple Tooth Removal is when the dentist can easily remove the tooth inside the mouth with the use of forceps. A surgical procedure, on the other hand, involves oral surgery wherein the tooth may not have fully grown yet or is largely covered by gums. Our Sacramento dentist may need to inject local anesthesia so that you will feel no pain during both types of Tooth Removal procedures. Dr. Khan may also prescribe medication after the treatment for pain, bleeding and swelling. It typically takes at least two weeks for your gums to completely heal after the Tooth Removal procedure.