True Cost of Dental Implants

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Whenever you lose a tooth, you do not only have to worry about the cosmetic repercussions of losing the tooth. There are also functional problems which you have to think about. The problem with most of the methods that have been used to replace teeth is that they only replace the crowns of the lost teeth but not their dental roots. In the entire dental structure, the root is the most important part because it is the one which anchors the tooth the gums.

Dental implants as replacement for dental roots.

The use of dental implants began even in 1982 but it has only been in recent years with the entire field of implantology has become available to a greater majority of dental patients. The entire concept has to do with embedding roots made of titanium deep within the gums and the bone tissues of the patient. Most of them are made with a cylindrical design, just like a metallic screw. Because the screw is made using titanium, the titanium screw is able to fuse with the surrounding bone tissues, increasing the stability of the entire structure. According to studies, dental implants installed from ten years ago have a success rate of 50%. This statistic clearly shows that dental implants in Sacramento CA are more effective compared to dentures.

How much do dental implants cost?

The cost of your dental implant will depend according to the location which you got the implants as well as the preparatory procedures which you had to go through before you could push through with the actual implantation. At the same time, the cost of the entire procedure will include the other procedures that you had to go through before you could have the actual implantation. For instance, individuals with thin gums and not enough bone density would have to go through gum reconstruction procedures and bone gums so that there is enough tissues for the implants to adhere to. If you need to go through all of those procedures, then expect having to pay more than the implantation cost.

Dental implants as investments.

While dental implants are really more expensive compared to the other teeth replacement procedures, because it lasts longer, it is a much better option compared to dentures and dental bridges especially if you anticipate having to replace these structures in the future.

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