How Can Root Canals Help?

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Around a century ago, people who had tooth decay and extensive cavities had no other option than to have the damaged tooth extracted. Despite the fact that this can help get rid of the immense pain which comes with having a decayed tooth, it does nothing to preserve the offending tooth, and you’re left with a gap in your mouth. However, the advent of root canal treatments has made it possible for dentists like Dr. Khan of Sacramento, Ca to treat these conditions, get rid of the searing pain and still keep the patient’s tooth intact.

What is root canal treatment?

This treatment helps to save a tooth that has become decayed or infected by removing the decayed matter, nerves, and pulp within the tooth before filling the tooth and sometimes covering it with a crown. If this treatment is not done promptly, the result could be a much larger infection or abscess.

The entire principle behind the root canal procedure is to eradicate the pain by getting rid of the nerves, which serve as pain receptors within the affected tooth, and to remove decay or infection to prevent these things from spreading. When the nerve is gone, there is nothing which can interpret pain in that area. Nerves are not required for the health and function of the tooth, so going through a root canal treatment will not hamper your day-to-day activities.

When does root canal treatment become necessary?

The only time that a root canal treatment becomes an absolute necessity is when the bacteria which has infected the tooth has made it to the very pulp of the tooth and started to mount an infection there. The infection can give rise to the condition called an abscess within the tooth. This pus-filled pocket is found at the root of the tooth and can move from the confines of the tooth into nearby tissues. The infection can even spread to the rest of the face or neck if the condition isn’t treated right away.

Since the infection requires that the oral bacteria have a way into the heart of the tooth, this means cracks, chips and cavities are potential channels for these oral pathogens. Dr. Khan would like to remind her Sacramento, Ca patients to be on the lookout for sensitivity that does not fade even long after a hot or cold object has been removed. Swelling of the gums and pain may also point to the necessity of having root canal procedure.

If you are suffering from tooth pain, set up an appointment with Smiles Dental Studio in Sacramento, CA immediately to prevent further damage to your mouth.

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